What is a Mistrial in NSW?

What is a Mistrial in NSW?

What is a Mistrial in NSW? A mistrial is a legal term used to describe a situation where a trial is terminated before its natural conclusion due to an error, impropriety, or other irregularity. In New South Wales (NSW), a mistrial may occur for several reasons, including a jury’s inability to reach a unanimous verdict, a fundamental error in the…

Is Spitting On Someone Assault?

Is Spitting On Someone Assault?

Is Spitting On Someone Assault? Spitting on someone can be considered a form of assault, and in some cases, it can lead to arrest and criminal charges. While spitting on someone may not cause significant physical harm, it can be a demeaning and humiliating act that can cause emotional distress to the victim. The NSW Police can charge with common…

Cyberbullying Laws in Australia

Cyberbullying Laws in Australia

Cyberbullying Laws in Australia Cyberbullying raised significant legal issues worldwide, especially with the rapid advances in technology eroding our privacy in today’s digital age. Mobile phones, the internet, and social media can be used to harass, bullying, and intimidation. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the serious legal and non-legal implications of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is illegal in Australia,…

Is Marijuana Legal in Australia?

Is Marijuana Legal in Australia?

Is Marijuana Legal in Australia? The unauthorised use, possession, cultivation, and distribution of cannabis or marijuana for non-medical use are illegal in Australia. However, the Narcotic Drugs Amendment Act 2016 (Cth) legalised the cultivation, production, and distribution of medicinal cannabis in Australia.    This amendment to the Narcotics Drugs Act 1967 allowed for establishing a strict licencing and permit-based cannabis…

How to Contest a Mobile Phone Fine in NSW?

How to Contest a Mobile Phone Fine in NSW?

How to Contest a Mobile Phone Fine NSW? Using a mobile phone while driving in New South Wales is an offence. The NSW Government attempted to decrease road injuries and fatalities by implementing the Mobile Phone Detection Camera Program.  Mobile Phone Use Laws in NSW Mobile phone laws and mobile phone fines in NSW are harsher for Learner and Provisional…

How Do Centrelink Investigate Fraud in Australia?

How Do Centrelink Investigate Fraud in Australia?

How Do Centrelink Investigate Fraud in Australia? Operating under the authority conferred to them by the Commonwealth Fraud Control Guidelines 2002 (the Guidelines), Centrelink Fraud is responsible for investigating and preparing evidence briefs on cases of fraud. Once Centrelink has suspected a person has committed a Centrelink fraud, in conjunction with the Australian Federal Police (AFP), they may first invite…

Statute of Limitations Australia

Statute of Limitations Australia

Statute of Limitations Australia The Crimes Act 1914 (Cth), Section 15B, and the Criminal Procedure Act 1986 (NSW), Section 179(1) sets the basis for the statute of limitations in Australia. Statute of limitations Australia applies to both civil and criminal offences. Even though not all offences are covered under the statute of limitations in Australia, cases of negligence, breach of…

Is Modafinil Legal In Australia?

Is Modafinil Legal In Australia?

Is Modafinil Legal In Australia? Modafinil is classified in Schedule 4 by the Therapeutic Goods Act (TGA) as a “Prescription Only Medication”. It’s therefore illegal to import, distribute, sell, or be in possession of Modafinil in Australia without a valid prescription. Unprescribed use, supply, sale, or purchase attracts a heavy fine under Australian laws. What Is Modafinil? Modafinil is a…

Is Polygamy Legal in Australia?

Is Polygamy Legal in Australia?

Is Polygamy Legal in Australia? Polygamy in Australia is illegal. The Marriage Act of 1961 defines marriage as a union between two people, and any other form of marriage is not recognised by the government. This means that individuals in Australia cannot legally marry more than one person at a time. Polygamy Meaning Polygamy is the practice of having multiple…

Conjugal Visits in Australia

Conjugal Visits in Australia

Conjugal Visits in Australia In Australia, inmates in jail are allowed to receive visits from their spouses, partners, family, and friends. Prisons in the States and Territories allow regular prison visits, and each of the prisons has its procedures to book visitors for visits. Are conjugal visits allowed in Australia? Not all the States and Territories in Australia recognise or…