What are the laws surrounding Prostitution & Sex Work in Australia? Prostitution explicitly involves the practice of engaging in sex with another person in return for payment. It often carries a strong negative connotation and has largely been replaced by the term “sex work”. Sex work is broadly used to describe sexual services involving consenting adults who have not been…
Is Jaywalking Illegal?
Is Jaywalking Illegal? There are everyday occurrences where we may decide to cross the road before the light turns green in a rush to get to where we need to be. Before doing so, you may want to reconsider, as jaywalking is illegal. The Road Rules 2014, made under the Road Transport Act 2013, list rules for pedestrian behaviour in…
Making a Citizen’s Arrest in NSW
Making a Citizen’s Arrest In NSW Situations occur in our day-to-day life where we witness criminal activity such as theft. As a result, you may instinctively decide to take matters into your own hands and attempt to make a citizen’s arrest. A citizen’s arrest is when someone who isn’t a police officer detains an individual. Under most circumstances, it is…
How Long Does It Take To Get Back Demerit Points In NSW?
How long does it take to get back Demerit Points in NSW? The demerit points system is a national program promoting safe and responsible driving across Australia. In New South Wales, this is regulated by Part 3.2 of the Road Transport Act 2013. Demerit points in NSW are penalties that are accompanied by a fine received upon committing road offences….
What is the legal meaning of Intimidation in NSW?
What is the legal meaning of Intimidation in NSW? Intimidation is an element of numerous offences in NSW. Offences such as: Common Assault; Intimidating a Police Office; Intimidating Victims or Witnesses; Intimidating Judicial Officers; and Intimidating Judicial Officers. One of the most commonly prosecuted offences in NSW involving Intimidation is “Stalking or intimidation with intent to cause fear of physical…